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Body Electricity What happened to the Life Force?

Traditional medical systems and their understanding of health

For more than five thousand years, traditional medical systems, such as the Chinese, the Vedic and the Tibetan healing arts have been focusing on the body's energy system as the basis of good health. A proper flow of energy within the body has been accounted for good health, while blockages, low energy or inadequate conductivity have been considered a degenerative state that leads to failure of one or a group of associated organs. By applying needles, pressure, heat or sound or vibrational frequencies to certain points of the body, the flow of energy has been enhanced and balanced and the energy circuits have been cleared of blockages, and the overall energetic condition and proper functioning of the body has been reestablished. Specific symptoms that had manifested were relieved by the use of specific herbs and minerals in addition to the energetic treatment. The cure of a disease was finally achieved by the body's own self healing mechanism, once the energetic system was brought back to normal operation.

Image of radiating Hands by Kirlian Photography In these traditions it was the patient who took care and responsibility of his own overall health by applying routine exercises and techniques, such as yoga, breathing exercises, massage and regular cleansing procedures. In Ayurveda particular seasonal or yearly cleansing routines are performed, to rid the body of built up toxins and waste matter, that interferes with the body's sophisticated and delicate functions. Toning herbs and essential foods are consumed to nourish and strengthen the tissues and to support cellular regeneration. Detoxifying, nutritional, remedial and energizing regimen have always been applied in combination for preventative as well as curative purpose; in fact, prevention and cure have been perceived as part of one and the same intention to maintain the organism at its peak performance. Health care, what it really is by the true meaning of the word, was in the hands of the patient who took over responsibility for his own health and the medical practitioner or doctor was just an assistant and advisor to the patient in this effort. It was even common practice in China to pay his adviser a regular advisory fee, but to discontinue the payments, when the patient fell ill, until his health was restored.


In our modern life we have more or less abandoned self responsibility and preventative self maintenance and we have delegated the maintenance of our personal physical well-being to an armada of specialized and certified health care professionals. Today's mainstream medical science has more or less abandoned the traditional view of bio-energetic processes as basis for good health and has instead adopted a view of the living organism as a biochemical reaction chamber, in which any occurring anomaly (symptom of disease) is rectified (treated) by inserting isolated, engineered and synthetic substances to suppress undesired (pathological) manifestations or to trigger certain desired (physiological) reactions. Degenerative manifestations in the body's structural constituents are commonly associated with 'wear and tear' and it is widely believed that such conditions could only be repaired by means of technical or surgical intvervention. For where these methods fail, the term "incurable" has been introduced. By observing larger societal health patterns and available statistical data however we can conclude that in spite of huge expenditures for sophisticated technological, structural and systematic development, perfect health has somehow remained elusive and seems to be available only for the lucky ones. Why is this? Are health or disease really subject to coincidental manifestation, like the upper side of a coin that has been flipped?

The history of modern medicine

To understand the prevailing medical paradigm, we have to take a look at the more recent history of modern medicine. In medieval times during inquisition, the churches have widely succeeded in eradicating all ancient wisdom and knowledge that had been as abundant in the West as it was in the East. By condemning traditional values to be of "pagan origin" and therefore "of the devil's", the inquisitors of the roman church were very thorough, in eliminating anything and anybody representing or practicing anything that was not sanctioned by the papal doctrines, which of course had been declared infallible. So while most of the western ancient knowledge ended on a pile of firewood or was "surgically removed with a single stroke", the medical systems in the eastern world have been continuously applied, further improved, extended and refined, while being passed on from generation to generation.

Quacks and pathogens alike found perfect conditions to thrive in the void that was created by the inquisition's "highly successful period of purging": While millions of people died from pestilence, the charlatans became quite wealthy by selling their ineffective "cures" and "treatments" to the suffering crowd. Interestingly the eastern world never experienced such massive outbreaks of disease as happened in medieval Europe. Some early surgeons tried to develop more efficient treatments than those available from the Quacks, and especially during the uncountable battles and wars that took place in Europe between the 12th and the 18th century, methods had to be devised that could stop wounds from bleeding and that would allow to remove projectiles from inside the body. Such procedures required some means of controlling pain and as a consequence the surgeons rediscovered certain herbs from sources that had "survived" inquisition. Further knowledge and medical plants were transferred from different parts of the world, when trade relations were established. Herbs with analgetic or antiseptic properties became a valuable commodity. However, remedies in the form of powders or decoction from these herbs were difficult to handle and they had a relatively short shelf life.

To increase potency and shelf live of a particular medicine, the active principles were then extracted from the crude plant matter and it was administered as a powder, a solution or as a pill. Because this extraction and manufacturing process was time consuming and requiring big amounts of raw materials, which was not always easy to obtain in sufficient quality and quantity, early chemists were trying to synthesize such compounds and finally brought about a range of usable products. With the discovery of such chemical antiseptics, antibiotics, painkillers and anesthetics, longer and more complex operations even deep inside the body could be performed.

Prior to industrialization the manufacture of medicines was a time consuming necessity, but suddenly the necessity turned into a promising venture for entrepreneurial chemists, when processing and production of chemicals could be done in cost and time efficient fashion from the late 19th century. The entrepreneurs soon recognized an even bigger market potential for drugs that could treat different symptoms and so their newly founded pharmaceutical companies started to scale up production and perform research, file for patents and compete for market share. Thus a wide range of pharmacotherapeutic products came into existence, which were classified according to their mode of administration, their chemical properties or by the biological system which they affected. In this way pharmacotherapy became a rather complex system by itself and for the purpose of conveying it to the surgeons, it was introduced into the universities, which then also received funding from the pharmaceutical companies for conducting research and studies at their medical faculties.

Arrival of the specialists

As the treatment with medications (= medical treatment) became an increasingly complex affair with the fast growing variety of drugs being developed, specialization within the medical profession was also introduced; Specialists evolved, who examined and treated only a specific part of the body. But as a result of such practice, the fact that these body parts are not isolated, but are interrelated and interdependent subsystems, was somehow getting more and more neglected. A drug that is meant to treat a certain condition in a particular subsystem of an organism can cause an effect in a different subsystem of the same organism. If such an undesired effect in a different subsystem of the body occured, it was called a side effect and such side effects were often evaluated more 'experiencally' than experimentally – at times with devastating consequences for patients receiving a newly launched medication.

Because Patients would quite often be treated for a primary cause and then develop side effects requiring further treatment, (and because patients that suffered damage from such treatment started to take legal action against doctors and drug manufacturers), the pharmaceutical companies had to start with testing new compounds on animal and human prisoners and volunteers (latter group consisted only of humans though) in order to evaluate tolerance and safety of a formula for widespread application in humans.

However, for many ailments, chemicals would just not make an adequate treatment. Every doctor has cases in his office where he has really not much to offer. Especially if one looks at allergies and chronic ailments, the doctors seem to be quite helpless. Alleviating the symptoms with immuno-depressants, anti-inflamatories and pain killers might keep the symptoms at bay – and the patient quiet for some time – but the doctor must remain unsatisfied with his method, because he knows that this is a fix and not a cure. He also knows that the situation of the patient will not improve over time - often and to the contrary of the intention the situation for the patient will worsen, as the continued use of strong chemical compounds causes irritation and further problems to develop.

Because side effects are caused by the medication, their treatment with more chemicals will contribute to an increasing disbalance in the body's metabolism. When metabolic processes are disturbed and when the symptoms become increasingly diffuse, a physically unwell patient usually starts to feel as not being understood or "not being taken serious" by his doctor – when in fact it is the doctors way of saying: "I have nothing to offer for your complaint".

Unfortunately a mainstream medical doctor has been left in ignorance about most aspects of bio energetics during his time at the medical faculty and the "health" authorities have been turned into a political instrument of profit driven big pharma to ward off any competing method, even though such methods have proven to be highly efficient over decades, centuries or even millennia. The patient is made belief that by ingesting chemicals he could achieve health and this trick has made a lot of money for some, while it brought a lot of misery for others.

The fact, that the living human body – and any living organism – is much more than just a composition of substances, has been ignored and even suppressed. LIFE is ENERGY. While physics starts to comprehend that energy is the foundation of our universe and of our physical bodies as a consequence, modern medicine still has a long way to cover.

The following excerpt is from the remarkable book - The EFT Manual - written by Gary Craig, a Stanford engineer, who has devised and introduced a simple method of removing blockages in the bodys energy system. This method is based on ancient chinese wisdom and has shown astonishing results in emotional, psychological and physical healing in an uncountable number of cases worldwide. This book is intended as a guide for self help and is a highly recommended reading. You can download it for FREE at Gary's own website:

The body's energy system


Our bodies have a profound electrical nature. Any beginning course in anatomy covers this. Shuffle your feet across a carpet and then touch an item made of metal. Sometimes you can see the static electricity that is discharged from your fingertip. This wouldn't be possible unless your body had an electrical nature to it

If you touch a hot stove you will feel the pain instantly because it is electrically transmitted along the nerves to your brain. The pain travels at the speed of electricity and that is why you feel pain so quickly. Electrical messages are constantly sent throughout your body to keep it informed of what is going on. Without this energy flow you would not be able to see, hear, feel, taste or smell.

Another obvious bit of evidence regarding the existence of electricity (energy) in the body are the electroencephalograph (EEG) and electrocardiograph (EKG). The EEG records the electrical activity of the brain and the EKG records the electrical activity of the heart. These devices have been used by medical science for decades and are the ones you see in TV hospital dramas hooked up to dying patients. When the screen stops "blipping" the patient is dead.

Our electrical systems are vital to our physical health. What could be more obvious? When the energy stops flowing....we die. Ask your doctor about this. No one disputes it. In fact, civilization has known about this for millenniums. About 5,000 years ago, the Chinese discovered a complex system of energy circuits that run throughout the body. These energy circuits...or meridians as they are called...are the centerpiece of Eastern health practices and form the basis for modern day acupuncture, acupressure and a wide variety of other healing techniques.

This energy courses through the body and is invisible to the eye. It cannot be seen without high tech equipment. By analogy, you do not see the energy flowing through a TV set either. You know it is there, however, by its effects. The sounds and pictures are your ever present evidence that the energy flow exists.

In the same way, EFT gives you striking evidence that energy flows within your body because it provides the effects that let you know it is there. By simply tapping near the end points of your energy meridians you can experience some profound changes in your emotional and physical health. These changes would not occur if there was no energy system.

Western medical science tends to focus on the chemical nature of the body and has not paid much attention to these subtle, but powerful, energy flows until recent years. However, they do exist and are attracting an expanding group of researchers. Read the following for more details:


**Becker, Robert O. and Selden, Gary. The Body Electric. Morrow, NY, 1985

**Becker, Robert O. Crosscurrents. Tarcher, NY, 1992

**Burr, H.S. Blueprint for immortality: the electric patterns of life. Neville Spearman, London, 1972

**Nordenstrom, B. Biologically closed electric circuits: clinical, experimental and theoretical evidence for an additional circulatory system. Nordic, Stockholm, 1983.


A growing number of health practitioners are finding ways to use this vital energy system to help physical healing. Acupuncture, massage therapy and chiropractic are but a few of them. Bookstore shelves are loaded with books on energy meridian techniques to promote good physical health







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What happened to the life force?


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